Human Resources

Illustrative photo of a medical assistant at an operating room setting up the equipment.

List of services

People are your best investment.

Design appropriate packages to hire, onboard, and incentivize performance (physicians, advanced practitioners, office staff).

Compensation plans are often your best incentive tool.

Develop systems (for both physicians and advanced level practitioners) that reward desired behaviors and direct people towards organizational goals.

A happy workforce is your best asset.

Develop flexible scheduling systems for physicians and/or advanced level practitioners, including “slow down” and other part-time work models, that allow people to be where they want to be on the income/lifestyle spectrum.

People cannot follow rules that they do not know exist.

Develop policies, procedures, and codes of conduct to ensure that everyone understands the rules and you are putting your best organizational foot forward.

Burnout affects more than half of physicians in this country.

Burned out physicians tend to disengage, which can ultimately lead to destructive and/or disruptive behavior. More and more, people are seeing this as an organizational problem, not just an individual one.

We can help you analyze your organizational culture and structure and help develop ways to support your physicians and employees to proactively prevent burnout.